Musical Robots is a battleground where Man's Creativity struggles against Machine's Extensibility at Mystic Brewery in Chelsea. The show will feature the musical robotics of Scott Barton, Assistant Professor of Music at Worcester Polytechnic Institute who composes, performs, and produces (electro)(acoustic) music.
Mystic Brewery will release a unique artisanal gruit called Water, Rhythm, Light based upon the exciting robotic music of Scott Barton, featured in this concert. The never-before-tasted gruit (6.2% AbV) bursts with a bevvy of botanicals: hibiscus, lavender and damiana; It's nature's antidote to the synthetic insistence of technological overload, striking balanced, perfect counterpoint to the musical extravaganza.
We will also showcase works by local composers: Dan Tramte, David Ibbett, and a World Premiere from Dan VanHassel.
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Earlier Event: April 28
Sound Icon: IRCAM Residency at the ICA
Later Event: October 26
Sound Icon: Celebrating Wolfgang Rihm, Concert 1